
京沪高铁运营10周年 创造多项成绩

发布时间:2021年07月09日发布部门:国际教育学院 字体大小:

京沪高铁运营10周年 创造多项成绩

With a total length of 1,318 km and linking the capital with the eastern coastal economic hub of Shanghai, the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway is the world's longest high-speed line ever constructed in a single phase.


A total of 1.35 billion passenger trips have been made safely on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway since it went into operation 10 years ago.

In 2019, the railway handled a record 210 million passenger trips, or 9.3 percent of China's high-speed railway traffic, with only 3.7 percent of the total high-speed railway network in operation.

Over the past decade, 666 trains plied on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway on the busiest day, while the highest daily passenger count reached around 798,000 trips.

In September 2017, China increased the maximum speed of bullet trains on the railway to 350 km per hour. The speed increase cut the Beijing-Shanghai journey to 4 hours and 28 minutes.

High-speed trains between Beijing and Shanghai had quiet carriages at the end of last year. The facility is aimed at providing a more tranquil and comfortable ambiance for travelers.


铁路客车上一节一节的车厢在英式英语中一般用coach或carriage表示,美式英语中常用car表示,乘客车厢就是passenger coach或passenger car,卧铺车厢中独立的隔间叫compartment。火车上其他功能的车厢还有:行李车厢(baggage car)、餐车(dinning car)、卧铺车厢(sleeping car)、硬座车厢(chair car)等。  

A flexible pricing mechanism was also initiated, offering preferential ticket prices for commuters and frequent travelers.


自2020年12月23日起,京沪高铁公司对京沪高铁运行时速300~350公里的高铁动车组列车公布票价进行优化调整。根据客流情况(passenger flow),区分季节、时段、席别、区段等,各站间执行票价将以公布票价为上限,实行多档次、灵活升降的票价体系,为旅客出行提供更多选择。  


The railway has also stayed profitable since 2014. The net profit of Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway Co. Ltd. (BSHSR) surged at an annual average of 39.4 percent between 2014 and 2019. In 2020, the railway remained profitable despite the impact of COVID-19.

The link has connected 24 cities including Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai. Among them, 11 cities have an urban population of over 1 million. These regions have more than one-fourth of the nation's total population.



交通强国a country with strong transportation network  

铁路营运里程mileage of operational railway  


轨道交通rail traffic  

动车bullet train  

城际列车inter-city train