FAST(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope)
FAST是Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope,即“500米口径球面射电望远镜”,也被称为“中国天眼”。
光学望远镜(optical telescope)和射电望远镜(radio telescope)都是观测宇宙天体的重要工具。二者的区别在于:光学望远镜是用于收集可见光的一种望远镜,并且经由聚焦光线,可以直接放大影像、进行目视观测或者摄影(create a magnified image for direct view or to make a photograph)等;射电望远镜接收的是肉眼看不到的射电波(radio waves),跟接收卫星信号的天线锅类似,通过锅的反射聚焦,把几平方米到几千平方米的信号聚拢到一点上。因此,FAST的工作不是“看”,而是“听”,依靠500米口径的“大耳朵”来“收听”太空深处物体发出的无线电波。
FAST是世界上最大的射电望远镜,比位居第二的望远镜直径多出200米(surpassing the second-largest by 200 meters in diameter)。其综合观测能力提高了约10倍,将在未来10到20年保持世界领先地位。在FAST之前,世界上最大的单口径射电望远镜是位于波多黎各的Arecibo Observatory(阿雷西博天文台),直径为305米,后扩建为350米。
China's Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, the world's largest single-dish and most sensitive radio telescope, officially opens to the world starting Wednesday.
北京时间3月31日零点起,被誉为“中国天眼”的 500 米口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)正式向全世界开放。“中国天眼”是当今世界最大单口径、最灵敏的射电望远镜。
Astronomers worldwide can visit to submit their applications for observations, said the National Astronomical Observatories under the Chinese Academy of Sciences in a statement.
All foreign applications will be evaluated, and the results will be announced on July 20. Observations by international users will begin in August.
The statement noted that the telescope will provide its research facilities to the world with a more open attitude, offering more observation options for the international astronomical community. The project will contribute Chinese wisdom to the construction of a community with a shared future for humanity, and strive to promote international sci-tech development and the progress of human civilization, said the statement.
(英文来源:China Daily)
aperture 小孔;缝隙;(尤指摄影机等的光圈)孔径
spherical 球形的;球状的
astronomer 天文学家
sci-tech 科技
human civilization 人类文明
artificial satellite 人造卫星
celestial body 天体
terraforming (外星环境)地球化
astrophysicist 天体物理学家
extraterrestrial 地球外的
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